Thursday, June 07, 2007

Another Miscarriage of Justice

As many of you have no doubt have heard by now, socialite and hotel heiress Paris Hilton was released from jail this morning.

Hilton was sentenced to 45 days in jail for a probation violation earlier this year stemming from driving on a suspended license. She was sentenced in Los Angeles County by a judge who wanted her to serve the entire time in jail -- not under home confinement, no work release, etc.

However, because of a medical condition -- that has not been named citing privacy laws -- the Los Angeles County Sheriff released Hilton this morning, fitted her with a monitoring bracelett, and ordered her to spend the next 40 days at home.

(Although Hilton was sentenced to 45 days in jail, she was expected to actually spend 23 days in jail. California law provides for a shortened sentence for "good behavior". When Hilton was released, she was given credit for 5 days).

Now the question The Shadow has to ask is this: What was this mysterious medical condition that secured the release of Paris Hilton?

Rumors are spreading that Hilton ate very little while in jail. Of course, there is no confirmation of this.

Next question: Most jails have some type of medical facility for inmates. Why wasn't Hilton taken there for observation?

Could it be that, perhaps, there is more to this than meets the eye?

For the record, the sentencing judge was advised of the release and is reported to have opposed it.

This does not look good for the American justice system and it sends out the wrong message. It says that, as long as you are rich, you can get away with anything and not serve any time in jail.

The Shadow would request that the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department explain in full why Paris Hilton was released.

More as this develops.

Good night and good luck.


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