Monday, March 10, 2008

Curtins for Eliot Spitzer??

Just when you thought you have heard it all.......

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, in an exclusive reported by the New York Times earlier today, admitted to his senior staff that he is linked to a prostitution ring.

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer with wife Silda Wall Spitzer earlier today

Can you imagine how stupid this is??!! Here is a man who was on top of his game, was a possible Vice Presidental or Senate candidate, and he goes to pay for a hooker (a VERY expensive hooker at that -- we are talking about $4,100) on the day before Valentine's Day!!

Here is a summary broadcast describing the events of the day:

Here is the press conference that was described in the above video:

The complaint mentioned in the first video is pretty long -- but The Shadow has found Spitzer's alleged activities here.

The Shadow has no sympathy for this man right now. There is only one thing left for him to do -- RESIGN!!

The Shadow will comment more on this tomorrow night.

Good night and good luck!


Blogger dee dee lefrak said...

As I have noted many times "freaky daddies are normal looking guys like your average politian."

ES is a egotistical dumb ass who deserves LOTS of therapy...nothing wrong with being a trick, per se -but ES was too cocky and deserves everything he gets...he ought to have just gotten a nice quiet mistress on the side and paid her off with cash and had her sign a confidentalty agreement...

8:58 AM  

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