Monday, September 29, 2008

Time To Stop The Bickering

Today is a day that never should have happened.

The U.S. Economy is facing the worst crisis since The Great Depression.  We will not get into the reasons why (that is another entry for another day).  But we need a stimulus to slow it down.

The U.S. House of Representatives could have gone a great way toward that today, but they failed when the failed to approve a $700 Billion Bailout Package.  Because of this, the U.S. Stock Market lost 7% of its value today.  As of this writing, Asian markets are falling, and we would expect the U.S. Market to fall again tomorrow -- probably under 10,000 for the first time in years.

It is time for the partisan bickering to stop.  The Shadow calls for all members of Congress to work together to try to bring confidence into the U.S. Economy  We cannot afford too much more of a delay.

This is not a Democratic or Republican issue.  This is an American issue.  So fix it!!

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.  And so does every day that we do not have a solution to this problem.

Good night and good luck.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Don't Tick Off David Letterman

As many of you know, yesterday Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain suspended his campaign to return to Washington to try to get the Bush Administration's bailout bill passed.  Unfortunately, he cancelled his appearance on the David Letterman show last night as well which Dave did not take well.  For those of you who did not see the rant that Letterman had on his show last night, here it is:

Make your own conclusions here.

Good night and good luck.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Shadow's Endorsements Coming Soon

The Shadow has returned and has settled some major technical difficulties with this blog.  We know that you have missed much and now with the U.S. Presidential election just a few weeks away, we know that all of you are waiting for our endorsement.

Because of the current economic crisis and the fact that Friday's Presidential Debate might be postponed, we will wait until after the Vice Presidential Debate on October 2 to give you our formal endorsement.

In the meantime, for those of you who may not have seen the Saturday Night Live Season Premiere with Actress Tina Fey playing Republican Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin -- here is the skit.

Good night and good luck.